<br><strong>User Groups In The Newcastle Area: </strong>posted by <strong>Arthur Banks</strong> on 02 Mar 1998 12:04<br>
Does anyone know if there is any user groups in the North East of England, preferably in the Newcastle/Jarrow area.
<br>I am not interested in any pathetic copying clubs, only in genuinely useful groups, etc. Lightwave (or other rendering programs) web page design and any thing that can be seen as handy.
<br><strong>PC Jokes: </strong>posted by <strong>Simon Gibbs</strong> on 12 Feb 1998 13:21<br>
You may have noticed a message below about PC owners
<br>having an Amiga Jokes Page. Well there is a limited
<br>PC jokes page on the Amiga Web Camaign Website:-
<br><strong>New Amiga Magazine: </strong>posted by <strong>Manos</strong> on 08 Feb 1998 18:15<br>
Me and some of my friends are trying to make a Greek AMIGA magazine and need some friends to mail us some articles.
<br>Send your responce to (Mail.jjl@compulink.gr).
<br><strong>help wanted: </strong>posted by <strong>chaz bunten</strong> on 27 Jan 1998 00:54<br>
does anyone out there feel like showing me how to use my amiga 1200
<br><strong>Wow: </strong>posted by <strong>Rich2</strong> on 23 Jan 1998 15:10<br>
Oh my GOD!
<br>I need a FAST amiga!
<br>When are we gonna get a decent motherboard?
<br>Come on Blittersoft! I want a new machine!
<br><strong>hey : </strong>posted by <strong>Hobo</strong> on 22 Jan 1998 09:36<br>
Pleased to see someone else gives a fvck.
<br>What is going to happen to our favourite machine....<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Alive!: </strong>posted by <strong>Paul "A600" Gordon</strong> on 20 Jan 1998 16:04<br>
Hey there! Its good to see that someone out there is still trying to keep the Amiga scene up and running! As a long time Amiga user myself I know how bad it is getting loads of strife off PC users (see the Amiga Jokes page - GITS). Keep up the good work!<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Amigas: </strong>posted by <strong>Roger Cock</strong> on 06 Jan 1998 14:05<br>
Me and nick like amigas we go on them and have
<br>nerdy nights he does music
<br>so I will post you his music
<br>we want a program to make pc's read amiga disks
<br><strong>Amiga clubs: </strong>posted by <strong>Tim in Nottm</strong> on 07 Dec 1997 21:17<br>
Does anyone know of any clubs in the Nottingham area
<br>if you do email me at timboo@innotts.co.uk<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>No Subject: </strong>posted by <strong>Rich</strong> on 04 Dec 1997 13:28<br>
Does nobody ever come here then?<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>The First Message: </strong>posted by <strong>Chris</strong> on 23 Nov 1997 11:04<br>
This is the first message on the new Graffiti Wall on the AmigaSoc UK Website.
<br>Please use this area to post comments about the Amiga.
<br>As time goes on, hopefully I'll develop this page further.